Spørgsmål til sundhedsministeren, fra Sundheds- og ældre udvalget, d. 23. Okt. 2018. Spørgsmålene er stillet efter ønske fra Stine Brix (EL) og Rasmus Nordqvist (ALT).
Fra raport om børns rettigheder i bio-medicin fra 2017, bestilt af Komitéen for bio-etik ved Europarådet.
Spørgsmål nr. 52 (Alm. del), til Sundhedsministeren og besvarelse heraf.
Spørgsmål nr. 53 (Alm. del), til Sundhedsministeren og besvarelse heraf.
"Physicians for Human Rights is deeply alarmed by the fact that children born with atypical sexual characteristics – sometimes referred to as intersex children, or children with intersex variations – are often subjected to irreversible and medically unnecessary surgeries that seek to alter their gonads, genitals, and/or internal sex organs before they are able to provide informed consent. These surgeries, which can result in sterilization and decreased sexual function, among other negative health outcomes, have been highlighted by United Nations human rights and health experts as counter to the absolute prohibition of cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment, and as compromising the human rights to physical integrity and health. From a medical ethics perspective, carrying out an irreversible and medically unnecessary surgery before a child is old enough to consent violates internationally recognized informed consent requirements, and violates the obligation to do no harm."
Press release: October 20, 2017